These forms may help you remember what was in your home. This will be crucial in the event of a theft, natural disaster or fire.
These lists can also come in handy when selecting items for your wedding gift registry.
WHN TIP – But I Can’t Remember… Can’t remember what you had or where it was? Ask friends and family members who have been at your house for special celebrations, parties or holidays to send you pictures of those events. Look at the background of the picture — often much of the room has been captured. This will help jog your memory.
Home Inventory-Foyer Hallway Stairway
Home Inventory-Master Bathroom
Home Inventory-Men’s Accessories Clothing
Home Inventory-Pantry or Closet
Home Inventory-Women’s Accessories Clothing
Home Inventory-Boy’s Accessories Clothing
Home Inventory-Girl’s Accessories Clothing
Here is a shortened example of what each PDF contains:
Master Bedroom
- art and pictures
- baskets
- bed box spring
- bed frame
- books
- candles
- ceiling fan
- clock and/or clock radio
- computer case
- computer screen
- couch
- frames
- games
- hangers (wire, wooden, padded)
- keyboard
- mirrors
- modem/cable
- mouse
- other
- photos/frames
- plants/planters
- rugs
- shelving/storage
- TV
- wastebasket
Prepare a Home Inventory
You can print out and use the PDFs above to prepare a home inventory of your personal belongings. A detailed list of your possessions and their locations, estimated value and price, can make it easier when filing a claim after a loss or disaster.
See our article 4 Things to Know About Creating a Home Inventory List to learn more.
Photo Credit: Glenn Carstens-Peters