Most car fires aren’t caused by accidents, but by bad car maintenance. According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), of the 204,000 vehicle fires that occurred in 2016, equipment failure caused 20% of them. Leaks, breaks in parts, electrical or mechanical failure and even worn-out parts are the more common causes of car fires.
Maintenance Tips
Here are some maintenance tips you can practice to reduce the potential risk of a car fire.
WHN TIP – Loose Wire: Car fires can happen AFTER regular maintenance or repairs due to a missed connection or loose wire. Check your engine before you leave the mechanic, drive for a mile or so, stop and check your engine again. Be safe and be smart when checking a warm engine.
1. Have your car(s) inspected at least once a year by a trusted mechanic or technician.
2. Routinely check the condition of your engine, fan belts and hoses, and the oil and coolant levels.
3. Always pay attention to signals from your car. Watch out for:
- fluid leaks under vehicles
- cracked or blistered hoses
- loose or cracked wiring, wiring with exposed metal
- smoke from the tailpipe or any other part of the car
- louder than usual exhaust sound
- sudden changes in engine temperature, coolant levels, rapid fuel or oil loss
If you have any of these problems, have your car inspected and repaired as soon as possible.
4. Avoid smoking. Ask others to refrain from smoking in your car. If you must smoke, use your vehicle ashtray.
5. Safe Refueling Tips
When you are refueling or at a gas station, here are some safety tips to practice.
- Turn off the vehicle before refueling.
- Stay near your car when refueling but don’t get back in your vehicle during refueling. This could cause a static charge.
- Discharge static by touching metal before touching the pump or nozzle. Make this a habit. Static can create tiny sparks of electricity which could ignite gasoline vapors and cause a flash fire.
- Don’t use the auto-latch feature of a nozzle. Keep your hand on the nozzle. Don’t put something in the nozzle to prop it open.
- Don’t allow children to refuel a vehicle, or play with or near gas pumps.
- Never smoke near a gasoline station or especially during refueling.
- Don’t overfill your gas tank.
- Take care when filling a portable gas container. Fill it slowly and don’t fill it all the way; you’ll need to leave a little room for the gas to expand. Make sure the cap is secure.
6. Emergency Items
Here’s a list of suggested items to have in your car’s emergency kit in case of a roadside emergency. For a car fire, a fire extinguisher is most important, but the other items listed can also be helpful.
- Fire extinguisher (ABC type)
- Can of motor oil
- Cones, warning triangles or emergency flares: keep these in the trunk.
- Empty gas can
- Flashlight with spare batteries
- Fuses
- Jack for tires
- Jumper cables
- Sealant for small leaks in tires
- Spare tire (be sure to have it checked for leaks and tire pressure each time you have your tires rotated)
- Tire pressure gauge
- Toolbox with screwdrivers, wrenches and a small hammer (keep this in the glove compartment for easy access)
- Window scraper for ice
WHN TIP – Batteries: Don’t use high-end batteries (lithium, ultra, etc.) for flashlights. Too much power will burn out the flashlight’s bulb.
WHN TIP – Car Fire! What to Do in Case of a Car Fire walks you through what to do in the event of your vehicle catches fire.
WHN TIP – After a Crash. Always have your car properly inspected after accidents, crashes or other damage that may affect the engine or other parts.
7. Look into Insurance
According to the American Institute of CPAs, “all states have financial responsibility laws that either explicitly or in effect require you to purchase at least some auto insurance. Although coverage requirements vary from state to state, you will typically need to buy some level of liability coverage. Other types of auto insurance coverage may be optional or required, depending on the state in which you live.” (Go to Car for a state-by-state listing of minimum coverage requirements.)
Let’s face it; insurance is helpful to have in case of a fire. Interview insurance companies to find the car insurance coverage you need.
For More Information
Insurance Consumer Advocate Network
Formed in 1994, the Insurance Consumer Advocate Network (I-CAN) has smart, additional questions to ask insurance agents about post-accident issues. Good questions under the FAQ section. Take a look, add to your list of questions.
Insurance Information Institute
Visit this site to learn more about auto insurance, filing a claim, and safety tips. The site gets its support from insurance agencies, its mission is to improve public understanding of insurance — what it does and how it works.
Thank You …
A special thank you to the industry professionals, lawyers, insurance agents, first responders and people who gave us their time, insight and real-life advice.
Photo Credit: CroMary