Here are five simple yet smart steps to follow if you need to report a highway accident, incident or emergency.
Step 1: Follow “Safety first” procedures.
- Be sure you are safe.
- If you are driving, pull over to a safe spot, turn on your hazards and stop the car before calling for help.
- Be watchful of the potential for additional accidents caused by the first accident.
- Stay out of the path of oncoming vehicles.
WHN TIPÂ – Be Safe, Be Smart:Â Never EVER risk your own safety.
Step 2: Write down the needed information
- Location of the emergency
- Road name or number
- City, State
- Closest cross street or off-ramp, milepost, or another identifier
- Direction of travel
- Any distinguishing landmarks
Step 3: Call 911
Step 4: Describe the nature of the emergency
- Then tell the operator what happened (crash, medical emergency, fire, crime) and then tell her everything in Step #1
Step 5: Provide Your Information
- Your name
- Cell number.
- Stay on the line until the dispatcher says they have enough information.
WHN TIP – Don’t Take Unnecessary Risks: Calling for trained, professional help is the best approach, although in an immediate life-threatening situation it may be appropriate to take rescue action provided the “rescuer” is not endangered.
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Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images