After the Wedding or Divorce: 19 Places to Change Your Name

by Susan Evans

After getting married, most states will allow you to change your name simply by usage. However, you will also need to contact the organizations and institutions listed below. Remember, different organizations have different rules regarding name changes.

If an institution is not willing to recognize your new name, you may need to get a court order. Contact your county courthouse for more information.


Name changing laws may vary by state. Ask your lawyer about name changing procedures and what to do in your state.

You’ll need to contact a number of people and organizations with your new name or the family’s new name. Here is a list of people to notify about the name change as well as documents you’ll need to alter.

    1. Banks and other financial institutions
    2. Credit card companies
    3. Employers
    4. Friends and family
    5. Gym/Club memberships
    6. Insurance policies
    7. Library card
    8. Magazine subscriptions/Other deliveries
    9. Medical records (doctor, dentist, etc)
    10. Mortgages and leases
    11. Phone company and other utilities
    12. Post office
    13. Schools and alumni associations
    14. Social Security: You will need to complete Form SS-5 (which is available for download or at your local Social Security office) and submit evidence of your identity. For more information, go to the Social Security Administration Web site, visit your local Social Security office or call (800) 772-1213.
    15. Stocks and bonds
    16. Taxes
    17. U.S. Passport office
    18. Voter registration
    19. Wills

For More Information How to Change Your Last Name After the Wedding
TheKnot is a comprehensive resource for couples seeking information and services to help plan their weddings and their future lives together. Changing Your Name after Marriage and Changing Your Name After Divorce
FindLaw is a legal Web site, providing comprehensive legal resources on the Internet for legal professionals, businesses, students and individuals.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

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